Day 8: Stanford University School of Medicine
May 16,2022 /

The 2022 AANA Traveling Fellows and Godfather Robert Hunter, M.D., along with Seth Sherman, M.D., explore the Stanford dish hiking trail with beautiful Northern California views. From left: Brian Lau, M.D., Robert Hunter, M.D., Michael Zacchilli, M.D., Harris Slone, M.D. and Maj. Travis Dekker, M.D.

Seth Sherman, M.D. shows the 2022 AANA Traveling Fellows and Godfather Robert Hunter, M.D. the sights of Palo Alto. From left: Maj. Travis Dekker, M.D., Harris Slone, M.D., FAANA, Seth Sherman, M.D., Robert Hunter, M.D., Brian Lau, M.D. and Michael Zacchilli, M.D.

Geoffrey Abrams, M.D. and the Stanford team welcomed the 2022 AANA Traveling Fellows with dinner on the first night in Palo Alto. Everyone worked up quite the appetite with all the hiking!

Geoffrey Abrams, M.D. and Godfather Robert Hunter, M.D. share some lessons on life and orthopaedics over dinner with the 2022 AANA Traveling Fellows. Clockwise from left: Geoffrey Abrams, M.D., Robert Hunter, M.D., Harris Slone, M.D., FAANA, Brian Lau, M.D. and Maj. Travis Dekker, M.D.