Become a Member
Be an important part of more than 5,700 Orthopaedic Surgeons and allied health professionals that are dedicated to arthroscopy, minimally invasive surgery and delivering exceptional patient care.
Each unique member category finds value in different AANA benefits, which is why the menu of offerings is so broad and expansive. Access these exclusive, members-only benefits and more, when you become an AANA Member:
- NEW! Opportunity to purchase the +CME Subscription that provides unlimited access to the online AANA Learning Center throughout your subscription for only $250 – savings of over $5,500!
- NEW! Opportunity to purchase the +CME Subscription that provides unlimited access to the online AANA Learning Center throughout your subscription for only $250 – savings of over $5,500!
- Discounted registration to AANA meetings and events such as AANA Annual Meeting, Specialty Day, AANA’s cadaver lab courses and more.
- Access to the AANA DocMatter Community− a global medical platform for high-quality, clinical discussions among AANA members. This secure, private community will allow for open, in-depth discussions between members; from questions on cases to best practices and more, AANA members will now be able to connect with their peers easier than ever before.
- FREE subscription to the highly regarded peer-reviewed journal Arthroscopy: The Journal of Arthroscopic and Related Surgery.
- Ability to apply for the Fellow of AANA Program, an opportunity to add another prestigious credential to your signature line (Active Members Only).
- Access to unique connections and partnerships with the AANA Mentorship Program(Active, Associate, Resident and Fellow Members Only).
- Discounted registration to AANA meetings and events such as AANA Annual Meeting, Specialty Day, AANA’s cadaver lab courses and more.
See a comprehensive list of Member Benefits.